Over 40 fintechs from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe have expressed an interest in participating in the Open Banking Hackathon – CEE Edition 2022. ..
Over 40 fintechs from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe have expressed an interest in participating in the Open Banking Hackathon - CEE Edition 2022....
Building upon the success of previous editions, Open Banking Hackathon – CEE Edition, launched on the historic date of 14 September 2019 when PSD2 went....
Building upon the success of previous editions, Open Banking Hackathon – CEE Edition, launched on the historic date, in the financial sphere, of 14 September 2019 when PSD2 went live in Europe, is preparing its fourth edition of the innovation challenge competition.....
Premiul câștigat de echipa de programatori români este în valoare de 5.000 de euro și va contribui la dezvoltarea produsului pe care aceștia îl creează.
Nume impresionante ale ecosistemului de fintech din Europa Centrală și de Est și-au unit forțele pentru a susține competiția regională Eurovision de inovație în fintech Open Banking Hackathon – Online CEE Edition, care a avut loc săptămâna trecută între 29 Septembrie și 3 Octombrie 2021.
ProxiCash is a fintech startup to encourage banking penetration in rural areas, by addressing the users’ main concern, lack of access to cash. Their unique approach would allow people to withdraw funds from their bank accounts from any of the more than 30.000 proximity stores throughout the countryside.